What are invisible hearing aids?

Invisible hearing aids – also known as hearing devices – sit deep inside your ear canal. They come in two forms: instant-fit, which can be worn straight away, and custom-fit, which are created from a mould made of your ear – these take a bit longer to create.

There are two types of invisible hearing device, known as completely in the canal (CIC) and invisible in the canal (IIC).

CIC aids only fill the ear canal. IICs, meanwhile, are our smallest hearing aids and the most discreet type available, fitting deeply into the ear canal.

Discreet invisible hearing aids from just €1,000 per pair or free with PRSI*

Our hearing package starts from €1,000 or free with PRSI and includes:

  • A full hearing check and assessment
  • Two digital hearing aids
  • Full aftercare, including a two-year follow-up
  • Hearing aid charger or four years’ supply of batteries
  • Choice of colours and fitting styles
  • 100-day money-back guarantee**
  • Four-year warranty on aids and wireless accessories
  • Remote Assistance
  • Pre-fitting wax removal***

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* PRSI – subject to eligibility and availability. Funded by the Department of Social Protection. Available no more than once every four years.

** From date of fitting.

*** Please visit aftercare page for full terms and conditions.

Are invisible hearing aids comfortable?

Contrary to what you might think, most people find invisible hearing aids to be a comfortable solution. If you’re looking for a discreet hearing device that will be barely noticeable, then they could be a great option for you.

All about earwax

Earwax probably isn’t something you’ve given much thought to, but it’s actually a very important part of your ear health.

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Our hearing tests are free

Specsavers hearing tests make it easy to keep track of your hearing health. We’ll test your hearing for free and suggest the best solution for you.

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How much do hearing aids cost?

Our products range from a basic digital hearing aid to the most sophisticated currently available, and are suitable for all types of hearing loss.

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All about hearing change

It’s perfectly natural for our hearing to change over time. If you’re uncertain about your hearing or looking for solutions, rest assured, we are here to support you.

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