Reflect the warmth of your natural colouring with reddish browns, greens, golds, coppers,tortoiseshells and warm neutral colours, like cream. Cooler tones of red hair will pair well with blues, greens and black.

We’d recommend steering clear of yellow or ashy tones that will have a dulling effect on your hair.

Or to play to the vibrancy of your hair colour, you can get away with being a little for adventurous with bold colours and styles.

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If you’re a warm blonde with accents of honey and bronze tones, you’ll look great in a lighter tortoiseshell and warm shades like amber, peach, red, pinks, darker greens, and gold metals to mimic your natural colouring.

If you have cool, ashy and platinum undertones go for darker tortoiseshell, grey, as well as experimenting with pastel pinks, purples and blues that will complement your hair colour without overwhelming your face. Avoid very dark, heavy styles and colours with icy tones that can wash you out. Cool blondes should steer clear of yellow or gold tones that will clash with the coolness

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Tortoiseshell glasses will also look great on brunettes, helping to bring out the rich hues and lighter tones in your hair.

Bronze and other warm-coloured metals will complement any warmer, red tones as well as well as reds, greens, burgundy, purple and rich brown.

Brown hair with more ashy, cool tones will suit black, blues, purples and pinks and even more pastel colours.

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Go for light-coloured metal frames in silver, gold or bronze, as well as black or dark tortoiseshell. More earthy tones of greens, reds and golds will look great on warmer tones. But you should avoid pastels or heavy, very dark styles.

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Light grey hair will give you the freedom to try more bright and bold colours. Opt for rich, deep shades like red, brown, navy, blue, purple and tortoiseshell. Metal styles also look great, as well as neutral colours like white, black and grey. Try to steer away from yellow, gold, beige or brown tones that can clash or have a dulling effect.

If you have dark grey hair you can be adventurous as you like – so have some fun and go for bright coloured frames in metal or plastic. Avoid any frames that are too dark and heavy.

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Black hair means you’ll look great in any metallics or dark colours, like black, gunmetal, tortoiseshell, blue and dark green – especially in frames that have a simple shape.

Depending on your skin tone, bright and saturated colours like reds, blues and purples will certainly make a statement, while pale and ashy colours may appear washed out against your dark hair.

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